As a Christian community of Faith, The Anglican Church of the Valley works to reach out to its community and work to help those in need, through our resources and our time and energy.  We look for opportunities to help those in need, guide those who need some direction, and enhance the quality of life in the Staunton, Waynesboro and Augusta County community.  Of course we never lose sight of the great gift we can give our community simply by living and sharing the Good News about Christ Jesus.

But other things we do include:

  • Provide material help to those in need... The last two Sundays each month the Anglican Church of the Valley asks members to bring in material contributions for local charities such as the Food Bank or the Valley Mission shelter in Staunton.  Items may include food, personal items, diapers, and other items needed by those with very little.  These items are taken after the service to the charities and are truly appreciated. 
  • Feed those who are hungry...  Every month members of the ACOTV  provide, prepare and serve a good meal in Staunton's Noon Lunch Program.  The hot meal, complete with breads and desserts, is served to from 20 to 40 men, women and children who simply need a good lunch.  Then, of course, comes the dishwashing and prep for the next day.  The Anglican volunteers have learned that serving these neighbors is not only not difficult, it is a privilege and a joy.
  • Add to Christmas for those with little..Each year the Anglican Church of the Valley members adopt a local needy family at Christmas, and delight in selecting gifts for both children and adults...  And usually some food as well.  While we cannot even approach the great gift mankind was given at the first Christmas, we can share the love of Christ with those who really need that love...  And a few material things as well.
  • Share our resources to organizations helping ... The Anglican Church of the Valley delights in being able to contribute to organizations in the community helping those in need, those with disabilities, and those in trouble.  We give to groups such as the Salvation Army, the Valley Mission, the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank, Valley Area Community Support (housing for the mentally ill), and other groups.  We also give directly to families and individuals in trouble or having experiences a tragedy when those situations are discovered by members of our church
  • Support the community and spread the word...  ACOTV takes pleasure each year in creating and mounting a display in the Staunton Festival of Holiday Lights in Gypsy Hill Park.  Members construct or reconstruct a display, arrange lights and monitor it for the period from Thanksgiving until New Years.The display supports a growing community recognition of Christmas and spreads the word about the Anglican Church of the Valley.
  • Supporting Mission work...  The Anglican Church of the Valley routinely contributes to the Anglican Relief and Development Fund. Inspired by God’s radical grace, ARDF exists to empower Anglicans in the developing world to show the love of Christ to those in need in their own communities: Clean water for the thirsty. Jobs for the poor. Education for children. Food for the hungry. Hope for those without hope.

Copyright 2024. Anglican Church of the Valley. All Rights Reserved.

Service To Our Church.

Service To Our Community.

Church members provide a full and tasty lunch each month in a feeding program in Staunton to the hungry.  They provide, prepare and serve a meal for up to 65 men, women and children.

Service To Our Church.